The Story of The Universe
Matter Expand When Heated
For hundreds, thousands, and millions of years
the dance went on. More and more gases became
liquids, more and more liquids solidified, and with
the continuous assault of cold from outer space,
the earth shrank in size and became wrinkled like
an apple that has been left in a cupboard.
The wrinkles are the mountains and the hollows
between them are the oceans, and above
them is the air we breathe. Rocks, water, air,
solids, liquids, and gases, each is what
it is because of its degree of temperature.
Today, as it was yesterday
and a million years ago,
God's laws are obeyed in the self-same
way. The world spins around and around
itself and around and around the sun.
And today, as it was a million years ago,
the earth and all the elements and
compounds of which it is composed, as they
fulfill their task, whisper with one voice,
Pinegreenwoods Montessori
The Great Lessons