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POETRY PATH : Recipe For a Life of Happiness and Peace

Recipe for a Life of

Happiness and Peace

  Take 12 whole months,
Clean them thoroughly of all 
bitterness, rumors, hate and jealousy.
 Now cut each month into 
28, 30 or 31 different parts,
 But don't make up the whole batch at once... 
Instead prepare it "One Day at a Time." 

Mix well each day with: 
One part faith, One part patience 
One part Courage, One part Work,
 And one part each of Hope,
 Honesty,Generosity and Kindness.
Blend with: One part Prayer, 
One part Meditation 
And at least one Good Deed. 

Season the whole with 
a dash of Good Spirit, 
a sprinkle of Fun, A pinch of Play, 
and  a cupful of Good Humor.
Pour all of this into a vessel of love. 
Cook thoroughly over radiant joy. 

Garnish with smiles 
And serve with quietness,
 unselfishness and good cheer...
And you are bound to make 
a Life of Happiness and Peace.

Bears mini graphics
Pinegreenwoods Poetry Path