Motor-Sensorial Experiences
We do not give long verbal explanations
since the child is at the motor sensorial period
of life.Not until the age of six or seven when
the imagination reaches beyond the limits
of the senses, is the child interested in
explanations over hands-on experiences.
At this age we give what we are called
sensorial keys-rocks, globe, puzzle maps
and land forms, pictures of the sun, moon,
planets, and a few constellations and
cloud formations to go along with
experience with these materials.
It is not until the age of six and beyond,
when the child has a different of mental
approach to learning, which is centered
around the imagination, that we give
explanations and details about subjects
which must be studied with the imagination,
such as planets, and the inside of
the earth, and so forth.
Pinegreenwoods Montessori
Montessori Inspired (3-6)