Seed of the Day
Faith gives us the courage to
tackle the seemingly impossible,
tackle the seemingly impossible,
as well as the determination
to see it through.
Seed of the Day
May I remember to take time to stop
and give someone encouragement.
May I remember to thank God daily
for friendship, for loved ones.
And may I never take anyone
or anything for granted.
Seed of the Day
Blessed are the seeds
Waiting in the darkness
For the call of spring.
Seed of the Day
Faith is the bird that sings
when the dawn is still dark.
-Rabindranath Tagore
when the dawn is still dark.
-Rabindranath Tagore
Seed of the Day
laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain,
but He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears, and light for the way.
If God bring you to it,
He will bring you through it.
Seed of the Day
Faith is not believing that God can,
it is knowing that He will.
it is knowing that He will.
Seed of the Day
you don't need others to believe in you.
Seed of the Day
God always leads us to
where we need to be,
not where we want to be.
Seed of the Day
Let the sound guide you and
the light keep you off the rocks.
Seed of The Day