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Canada Goose

If you ever hear a loud honking noise
 from the sky, you may see me flying by
 in a "v" formation with my flock. I am large
 with a brownish-gray body and wings with 
long black neck and head and a white cheek
 patch. I stay with my mate for many years
 and always return to the same are to breed.

Who am I? 


I belong to the family of songbirds. 
We are the little birds which cheer up 
your lives with our songs. I am tiny,
 with small legs and four toes. Three are 
in front and one is in back. I build my nests
 in a variety of places, such as trees in the 
woods or the eaves of city homes.

Who am I? 

Redwing Blackbird

"Oh - ka - le", is my musical call. 
I make my home in marshes and 
other wetlands, especially areas where 
I can find cattails. We form flocks of
 many thousand birds and roam over 
open country. My bright red shoulder 
patches are part of my name.

Who am I? 


I belong to the family of web-footed
 animals. My three front toes are connected
 by a membrane so I am a good swimmer.
 Above my tail is an oil sack. with my bill 
I spread this oil on my feathers to keep
 them dry. The male of my species
 has beautifully colored feathered.

Who am I? 


I am a bird but my toes are not arranged 
like those of any other bird. two of my toes go 
forward and two go backward. this helps me
 to cling easily to tree trunks that go straight 
up and down. My strong pointed beak helps 
me dig out insects from tree trunks.

Who am I? 


I am a very useful bird to humans and 
was first domesticated long ago in Asia. 
I have three strong front toes used for 
scratching about and a back toe placed 
higher up. The mail of our species has a 
comb on his head, beautiful plumage and
 "tarsi" (heels) complete with spurs.

Who am I? 


I am the king of the birds. I am the 
national bird of many countries including
 the United states. i live on mountain peaks 
or along rivers, building nests in hidden
 places. I have a fierce look, a large 
wingspread and long toes with talons.

Who am I? 


With the help of my long bill and long 
slender legs, I feed on water insects. I 
build my nest near water at great heights,
 such as on cliffs, treetops and rooftops.
 I am voiceless except for low grunts and 
hissing sounds. But I can loudly rattle 
and snap my bill. I am a remarkable 
dancer. In winter I migrate to Africa.

Who am I? 


I am a small, plump gamebird. 
After breeding my family will get 
together with other families and 
form a covey. We remain together and 
make our home in low bushes, huddling 
close to stay warm on cool evenings. 
My cheerful call says my name.

Who am I? 


My legs and neck are very long, 
making me the largest living bird, but
 I cannot fly. I have very small wings but 
my large and strong legs make me a fast 
runner. i have only two toes on each foot. 
My lovely feathers are called plumes.

Who am I? 

Cedar Waxing

I am a very pretty bird! My soft brown 
body looks as if it was painted, with 
delicate tips of yellow and red. I travel
 in noisy flocks. We visit gardens and
 orchards to feed on flower petals and 
berries which we sometimes pass 
along from bird to bird.

Who am I? 


I am a bird with long pointed wings which 
make me an excellent flyer. I make a special
 "cooing" sound. I eat grain but I don't feed
 it to my young. Instead, I prepare a liquid food
 for them in my pouch. This pouch is called a crop.

Who am I? 


I am a bird with brightly colored
 plumage. My bill is short, thick and 
hooked. I live longer than most birds, 
sometimes as long as 60 years. My 
voice is loud and harsh and some of
 us have the ability to mimic human 
speech and other sounds. 

Who am I? 

Eastern Seagull

I am an energetic scavenger with 
a loud trumpeting call. You can often 
find me gliding, diving, and turning off 
the sterns of fishing boats and ferries 
or circling above garbage dumps
 searching for a meal. I have a white head
 and neck with gray wings and black wing tips.

Who am I? 


In 1890, flock of 100 of my species was 
released in New York City. Since then 
have spread across the entire continent. 
Some people don't like me because I 
damage fruit crops, but I have been a 
great help in reducing insect populations
 such as locusts. I have black feathers 
with a greenish gloss.

Who am I? 


With my incredible voice I can
 imitate over 50 species of birds, barking 
dogs, tree frogs, crickets, even tractors
 or sirens. I live at the edge of woodlands
 and farms, in the city and suburbs. My
 body is soft gray above, paler gray to white
 below, with white wing bars and a long tail.

Who am I? 

Great Horned Owl

When early evening comes you can 
find me perched in a dead tree or pole,
 searching for prey. My hearing can pick
 up the sound of rustling mouse in a field 
and my strong night vision makes me 
feared by skunks, opossums; even ducks 
and hawks. If I see you walk by, you'll hear
 me call out "hooo, hoo-hoo, hoooo, hoooo".

Who am I? 

Mallard Duck

I live in ponds, lakes, rivers and 
marshes all over North America. 
The male of my species has a green
 head and white neck-ring, the female
 is mottled brown. I can migrate great 
distances, I even colonized Hawaii.
 If you see me flying, look for a 
bright blue feather on my wing.

Who am I? 

   Pinegreenwoods Montessori 
  Montessori Riddles