The Climatic Zones
The Equatorial Climatic Zones
The environment of Torrid zone is the animals,
plants, men. Many of the people in this zone are
African, Asian, Central and South American.
The people eat animal and vegetable products
of the area; fish is very common. Their fabrics
are made from silk and cotton. The forest
is so thick that in some places
it is almost impenetrable.
plants, men. Many of the people in this zone are
African, Asian, Central and South American.
The people eat animal and vegetable products
of the area; fish is very common. Their fabrics
are made from silk and cotton. The forest
is so thick that in some places
it is almost impenetrable.
Farther from the equator, the vegetation is
mainly bushes, and there is an area where
no vegetation grows: the desert. There are
many species of animals. Example, in Africa:
elephants, giraffes,etc. There are large
reptiles, many different kinds of birds
with beautiful feathers, and many
different kinds of fish.
Pinegreenwoods Montessori
Montessori Geography
mainly bushes, and there is an area where
no vegetation grows: the desert. There are
many species of animals. Example, in Africa:
elephants, giraffes,etc. There are large
reptiles, many different kinds of birds
with beautiful feathers, and many
different kinds of fish.
Pinegreenwoods Montessori
Montessori Geography