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 The most important preparation of the environment for
 successful development of spoken and written language
in the child is the language environment of the home. It is
never too early to speak clearly and precisely to the child.
In fact the language of the caregivers in the first six years
of life will literally form the spoken language of the child.

Reading  aloud to the child gives the
 message that reading is fun for everyone,
 and concepts and vocabulary words will
 be experienced which would never 
come up in spoken language.

Reading and writing should not be
taught to a child before age six or seven,
 but, given the sensorial experiences of  
appropriate materials child of normal
intelligence will quite naturally teach 
herself  to read and write sometimes 
as early as three or four years of age. 

The preparation for enjoying the exploration 
of language in life begins before birth as
 the child responds to the voices he hears 
even in the womb. For success in language 
a child needs confidence that what she has 
to say is important, a desire to relate to 
others, real experience on which language 
is based, and the physical abilities
 necessary in reading and writing. 

There are several things that we can 
do to help. We can listen and talk to the
 child from birth on, not in baby talk, but with 
 respect and with a rich vocabulary. We can 
provide a stimulating environment, rich in 
sensorial experiences and in language, 
providing a wealth of experience, 
because language is meaningless 
if it is not based on experience. 

Wallpaper children, fall, grass, leaves, friends

We can set an example and model
precise language in our everyday 
activities with  the child. If we 
share  good literature, in the form
 of rhymes, songs, poetry and 
stories we will greatly increase
 the child's love of language.
Angels graphics
Pinegreenwoods Montessori