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SEASHORE : Flowers and Grasses



Sea Aster

 The Sea Aster is found in salmarshes.
Salt marsh plants are unusual, because
they are regularly covered by the tide.
This one flowers in late summer
with mauve or white petals.

Sea Campion

Common on cliffs and shingle beaches,
Sea Campion spreads out to form soft
cushions. It flowers in midsummer.

Armeria maritima ‘Pt. Arena’ “Sea Thrift” - love this - it looks like regular old grass until it blooms in the spring!


This plant also called Sea Pink.
It grows in thick cushiony tufts on rocky
beaches or cliffs. It is particularly good at
 surviving salty spray. Look for the flowers
between spring and late summer.

Dunes et oyats, cap Blanc-Nez, Côte dOpale, Nord-Pas-de-Calais.Dunes and marram grass.

Marram Grass

 This plant is very common on sand dunes.
Its long roots and leaves trap sand and
stop it from being blown away.
It flowers in mid-summer.

California Poppy

The California Poppy has delicate,
saucer-shaped flowers that close in
dull weather. It flowers in the summer.

Sea Kale

 Sea Kale grows in clumps on shingle.
It has broad, fleshy leaves which
crinkly edges. It flowers in summer.

Sea Holly

This prickly plant has clusters of tiny flowers, 
which attract butterflies. Its leaves turn white in 
winter. It is found on sand and shingle beaches.

Bird's Foot Trefoil

The flowers on this plant are bright yellow
and streaked with red. The seed pods split and
curl when they are ripe, to release the seeds.
It is found  on grassy banks and cliffs.

Sea Bindweed

The trailing plant grows along the ground
and binds the sand together. It has thick,
shiny leaves and can be seen on sandy
beaches, and sometimes on shingle. 
It flowers from mid to late summer.

Sea Couch Grass

Sea Couch Grass has long roots 
and binds sand together. Ridges  of sand
 build up around  it, just above high tide level.

Yellow Horned Poppy

The Yellow Horned Poppy gets its name
from its long seed pods. It flowers from
mid to late summer and is found on shingle 
beaches in the Eastern Atlantic.

Sea Lavender

 This is a tough plant, that has 
leaves in a clump near the ground.
 It flowers from mid-summer.

    Seeds of Knowledge