The dented margin of the leaf
is called spiny when the
dents are long and pointed.
The dented margin of the leaf is called
crenate when the dentates are rounded.
Latin: crena - notch
The margin of the leaf is called entire
when there is not an indentation.
Latin: integer-in, non;
tangere-to touch, untouched
The margin of the leaf is called dented
when there is a small indentation.
Middle English: dent angular incision
The dented margin of the leaf is called
serrate when the dents are pointed.
Serrate margins are pointed like the
teeth of a saw. The points of the serrate
margin are in the direction of the apex.
Latin: serra - a saw
The dented margin of the leaf is called
dentate when the dents are pointed.
The points of the dentate margin are
perpendicular to the margin,
like the teeth in the mouth.
Latin: dens, dentis - tooth
Pinegreenwoods Montessori
Montessori Botany