The Annelid
Annelids have a long body that
seems to be made of rings. Some
have little bristle feet for moving.
The body of the annelid is made up of
many ring-like segments joined together.
The body is usually soft and long.
Chaetae are bristle-like hairs.
Chaetae help grip the dirt and aid in
swimming (worms). Some annelids
do not have chaetae (leeches).
The annuli are the rings along the smooth body.
Several large annuli of the body surround
the edges of the annelid and form a cuff
called the clitellum. The clitellum closes
completely over the eggs to make a sac-like
cocoon. The clitellum slides along the
body and over the head.
The mouth begins the digestive system.
The anus ends the digestive system.
Pinegreenwoods Montessori
Montessori Zoology